divendres, 18 d’octubre del 2019


Three or four years ago I started to realize a few things about my classmates, in general because I was beginning to grow mentally. I realized almost every student already had an opinion about politics at a very young age, while I had no idea about them or had an opinion or cared at all. 

Why and how had those kids chosen to think a certain way? It's clear the parents shared their ideas with them, and I'm not saying that's good or bad. I believe It's not necessary for the kids to know about politics without being able to evaluate and decide their "side", they should be having fun and enjoying childhood.

For now, I don't care what "side" to choose. My main goal right now is to study, that's very clear to me. I want to be successful and do something I genuinely enjoy no matter who has the "power" in my country.

I like my neutral point of view. I can understand why people think in a way or another without really relating to them. Is that being too conformist? Maybe, but that's just my opinion.

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