dissabte, 30 de novembre del 2019


Lately, I've been thinking and reflecting on what will become of me when a few years have passed. What am I going to study or dedicate to? What am I going to do when high school ends? 

I can't stop asking myself these questions all day. I feel like my friends and classmates don't worry about the future as much as I do, all the outcomes are infinite and that is overwhelming to me. I'm impatient and at the same time scared of becoming an adult, so much freedom, responsibilities and work at the same time look difficult to handle.

Where am I going to live, who's my partner going to be? Will my friends now still be there or am I going to have new ones? Is my work gonna be fulfilling or is It gonna be boring? Am I going to be happy with my life?

Of curse, I'm conscious that It's not like one day you're a kid and the next day you're an adult. It's more of slow evolution, everything changes but It happens so slowly we don't realize all the years that have passed and all the changes we've experimented. I see life as a gift, an experience, life is so rare to happen It's almost like a miracle that It does. I want to get the best out of my experience, I haven't come to just exist here, I've come to this world to live.

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