dijous, 26 de desembre del 2019


The phrase "New year new me" is a very known saying, you've probably used it many times without really thinking about Its meaning. This sentence is not my favourite for a few reasons I will present further into the text.

In the first place, I'd like to write about what it means for me. Is this phrase saying you can entirely change one day to the next just because of the time going from a second to the other? I believe a second maks the change of the year, but it does not change a whole human being.

I don't entirely agree with the sentence because changes must be progressive, they shouldn't be fast and radical since this way, doesn't work for the majority of people. They found the year with way too many goals and objectives, get overwhelmed by them and end up quitting in the first two or three months.

If you want to make a change, you don't need to wait for the year to end. You can do it right now.

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