dissabte, 29 de febrer del 2020


This weekend, we celebrated carnival in my town. Carnival is an event that happens only once a year, and it's one of the most outstanding ones between younger people in rural areas.
I'm in a group called "Els Festucs", we all wear a different costume every year revolving around a character. We also prepare a few choreographies using short parts of popular songs. This year we dressed up like the people in the video clip "Mamma mia" from Abba, the attire consists of a full bodysuit made of shiny fabric with very big golden sleeves and platform shoes, it's beautiful. The woman who made them got really emotional when she saw us wearing her design in real life, she worked extremely hard to finish the work on time, considering we're about a hundred and thirty participants.
Last year we won the first prize for the dancing contest, this time, on the other hand, I feel like people don't put enough effort or energy into the choreographies. I'm not sure we will win this time because we make lots of mistakes.
PD: We won!!!

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